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Datarecord cell area key null error

Hi Support,

I have defined Datarecord cell area style as




<Style x:Key="rowstatic" TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordCellArea}" BasedOn="{x:Static igTheme:DataPresenterOnyx.DataRecordCellArea}">








<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},Path=Record.DataItem.Selection}" Value="True">




<Setter Property="TextBlock.FontWeight" Value="Bold" />













and in the field layuot setting , i set the following property




="{StaticResource rowstatic}"

while building solution , i get error saying

Error 43 Unknown build error, 'Key cannot be null.
Parameter name: key Line 466 Position 100.'  

Can any one help me out in this

  • 138253
    Offline posted



    I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter. 

  • 138253
    Offline posted



    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and the code you have provided and I suggest you add the following namespace in the file where you get this error:




    Please let me know if this helps you or you need further assistance on this matter.


    Looking forward for your reply.