Hey there;
I just installed the hotfix to WPF 7.2 and I am seeing something odd on my grid. It is databound to a simple ADO.NET datatable object and the grid is configured to allow for adding, deleting and updating.
When the app first come up, when I finished typing a value in the first column in the new record row and hit enter,.. the new value disappears and all I am left with is an empty row. When I try to add another row, everything works fine,... this seems to be happening whenever I am dealing with the first row in the DataTable.
This turned out to be a bug in the XamDataGrid. The incident number is BR32431. It is currently logged as fixed and awaiting QA testing.
So if anyone else out there is having the same troubles as me, this should be fixed in the next hotfix.
I tested with with old versions of the XamDataGrid and when adding rows, the first row doesn't have any rendering issues like I am seeing now.
Can anyone at Infra confirm that this is an issue or am I just doing something dumb in my code (wouldn't be first or last time). :)
After looking more into this problem,.. it definitely looks to me to be an issue with the hotfix for WPF 7.2. If you are using the grid to add rows to the datatable bound for the xamDataGrid, it doesn't seem to render the first added row properly.
Has anyone seen this or know of a workaround (short from not using the grid to add rows)?