Can we restrict TabGroupPane to display 10 content panes default, when we open/add 11th content pane we should able to display small navigation buttons(Next & Previous) on the left side of the TabGroupPane.
Using the Navigation buttons(Next/Previous) we should able to navigate/select to the content panes.
We have a requirement to open multiple files(each file is content pane for us) , when we open more than 20 files the ContentPane headers are shrinking to single letter with "..." . We want to see the complete name of the opened file in the Conetent pane header.
Please do the needful.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your quick response.
Your solution has given me an idea to extend my requirement ..
Thanks a lot for your idea.
HI YuganderherN,
Create a style that targets the TabGroupPane and there you can change the TablayoutStyle and also the MaximTabRows property.
You may want to explore the use of the above mentioned properties before considering retemplating the TabHeaderPanel.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDock:TabGroupPane}">
<Setter Property="TabStripPlacement" Value="Bottom" />
<Setter Property="igWindows:TabItemPanel.TabLayoutStyle" Value="MultiRowSizeToFit" />
<Setter Property="igWindows:TabItemPanel.MaximumSizeToFitAdjustment" Value="5"/>
<Setter Property="igWindows:TabItemPanel.MaximumTabRows" Value="2"/>
Here is a help link to TabItemPanel
here a link to the TabLayoutStyle
Developer Support Engineer
I am reviewing your issue.
Sincerely, MattDeveloper Support Engineer