There is a strange behavior of XamGrid (in WPF) when it placed into TabControl. Switch between tabs takes 4-5 seconds (for redraw). While XamDataGrid is faster in times.
Could you please explain the behavior described above and propose a solution how to decrease the time of switching between tabs.
Earlier Someone had posted same question and i understand it is because xamgrid doesn't know the difference between a tab switching vs. the control being remove completely ,but is there any solution to this problem
As another observation:
The window containing my tabs and grids is 1280x1024 and the performance is awful. If I size the window down to 500x500, the grid scrolling and tabs respond almost instantly. Is this a known issue or limitation? Why does the grid suffer such a performance hit when you make it bigger? How do I make this better?
Also - I read that virtualization is turned off if you place the grids in a parent container that controls it's size (like a tab control, I assume). Does this mean that you can't use virtualization in a parent container that controls the size of the grid? How do I enable virtualization in this scenario?
I have this same issue and the latest service release did not fix it. The service release I got was from July 5. I have a tab control with 8 tabs and a grid in each tab with anywhere from 200-800 rows. I am using style triggers on the cell control type for some minor background shading (background is only shaded for ~10% of the rows) and borders. Not only does it take 3 seconds to switch between tabs, the XamGrid itself is slow and sluggish. Scrolling and highlighting are both laggy. This is something I've noticed before in XamGrid and XamDataGrid in WPF.
Reproducing this shouldn't be difficult. Create a tab control with 8 tabs and a grid on each with 200-800 rows per grid and some conditional formatting via style triggers. In this scenario, to me, everything should respond relatively instantly.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for prompt response, It worked well