I need to load xml report to XmlDocument, modify and load this xml as a report. I'm loading xml file to XmlDocument and then saving it to memory stream. Then I'm loading report from memory stream. The problem is that report look different. There are some problems with page header and footer. Loading report directly from file works fine. In my opinion the problem is with XmlDocument. Maybe some encoding problems ? Any ideas ?
many thanks for the repply. I'm curious how are you loading xml report to xmldocument ? When I load xml using xDocument.load() and then save it to another file, using the second file with report.load() gives poor results. Some elements are missing....
I'm doing something similar, with pretty good results, but I've been using XElement.Parse to convert from text, and using
MemoryStream( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( report ) )
to get the memory stream to pass to
Hope this helps,