I wanted to Style XamZoombar control as given below.
1. I want to have thumb slider buttons bit less in height compare to preview content
2.Also I need Date time format custom and I want to put dates along with the curve in preview content window. I am using XamChart there.
3. Also I want to invert the style of XamZoombar control such that i want the entire Preview content as opeaque and Thumb transperent u can see the attached image
for reference I have attached exisisting styles for control
Can you please guide is it possible to style the control as per our requirement?
I am just checking if you require any further assistance on the matter.
Developer Support Engineer
I have created a sample application for you, which demonstrates how you can re-style the XamZoombar in order to achieve appearance similar to the screenshots that you have attached. In order to do that I can suggest re-templating the XamZoombar using the default style as basis in order to keep the original functionality of the control. The default style for the XamZoombar can be located, by going to your Infragistics folder and the go to \NetAdvantage 2011.2\WPF DV\DefaultStyles\DataVisualization\Classic.xaml
Please let me know if you need any further assistance on the matter.