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CalculateAutoSizeExtent and PerformAutoSize


I have a xamdatagrid which contains xamcomboeditors for some fields.

I am trying to resize my grid fields depending to contents by handling dataitem changes like this :




    var field = grid.layouts[0].fields.find(x=> == propertyname);

    field.PerformAutoSize(FieldAutoSizeOptions.All, FieldAutoSizeScope.ViewableRecords);


but it doesn't work properly.Field doesn't extend when comboeditors value changed firstly then it extends although the selected items length of comboeditor is the same as first selected item.I'm controlling field.CalculateAutoSizeExtent(FieldAutoSizeOptions.All, FieldAutoSizeScope.ViewableRecords) and this method returns NaN.

In which cases this method returns NaN?,how this methods work? ,i couldn't find enough documentation.




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