how can I create a category menu as in the Appointment dialog itself.
This refers to the dialogue with the Ribbon:
dataManager.DialogFactory =new Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.ScheduleDialogFactory ();I am using a derivative of AppointmentDialogCore so I have to create the ribbon itself.Thank you
Hello Petar.
It's not about to read a specific category but to create the menu with the functionality (see old post). For that I need "CategoryListItems" objects.
I can not create instances of the object.
Your example gives me a "Category" Object not a "CategoryListItems" Object.
Is there a function that gives me instances?
The second proposal is not because I already use a derivation of AppointmentDialogCore.
Thank you
Hello Marcus,
Excuse me for the late reply, I have been looking into your issue and through the correspondence so far. If you have your mind set on recreating the XamRibbon inside the dialog on your own, here is a way you can access your “test” category in your GetInitializedRibbon function:
Dim temp = DirectCast(DirectCast(DirectCast(adc, WpfApplication1.MyAppointmentDialogCore).DataManager.DataConnector, ListScheduleDataConnector).ActivityCategoryItemsSource(0), ActivityCategory)
I should also point out that there is another approach, that I think is much easier, when trying to modify the XamRibbon. I can suggest setting your DataManager’s DialgoFactory property to an instance of a class that inherits from ScheduleDialogFactory like:
public class MyDialog : ScheduleDialogFactory
public MyDialog() : base() { }
public override FrameworkElement CreateActivityDialog(FrameworkElement container, XamScheduleDataManager dataManager, ActivityBase activity, bool allowModifications, bool allowRemove)
XamRibbonWindow OriginalDialogRibbon = base.CreateActivityDialog(container, dataManager, activity, allowModifications, allowRemove) as XamRibbonWindow;
return OriginalDialogRibbon ;
Please let me know if you require any further clarification on the matter.
I want to display the entries of the lists for the existing categories (in my example picture test x)
In case I use your standard dialogue these are generated automatically. These are intern objects of the type "CategoryListItems".
But if I use the example of your colleague which was generated on the 22th of June, 2012 I have to generate the objects in the code by myself.
And this is the problem: I wasn´t able to generate objects of the type "CategoryListItems".
How do I have to proceed?
I have been reading through your correspondence so far and I cannot seem to understand what exactly are you asking and where does this screenshot come from. Please elaborate on that so I may try and look for a solution.
Thanks in advance. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello Elena,
Many thanks to the help to me.Is it even possible to display the entries (see Attached picture)."ActivityCategoryHelper.CategoryListItems" is unfortunately internal.