Hey Guys
Is it possible to do something like this:
in view modelfilters = new BindingList<RecordFilter>();ComparisonCondition ConditionDeliveryDate = new ComparisonCondition(ComparisonOperator.Equals, true);RecordFilter g = new RecordFilter { FieldName = "IsPassed" };
Then pass filters into a view?
Esentially what we currently have is a cobobox drop down where the user make a selection.Then based on what the user selects the grid is filter to that perspective.
In order for this to work we have to publish what the user selected, this is done in the view model,and then subscribe to it in the code behind the view.
This breaks the mvvm pattern
Thoughts or comments welcomed
Hello JDwayne,
As far as passing data in the View from the ViewModel you can bind using a StaticResource with a Path set and assigning a key to the ViewModel from Resources. E.g.
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Selected, Source={StaticResource vm1}}" />