In WPF standard menus, the old &File text that allowed to access the menu with Alt+f has been replaced with _File, putting this on the Header of a Standard menu Microsoft I obtain the possibility to use ALt+F to access the menu.
On the XamMenuItem doing the same results in the Text displaying _File on the menu option.
I suppose the standard is different or there is something else that has to be used.
Searching on the internet and on this forum I didn't find clues, so if you can give me a hint...
thank you in advance
I am attaching a sample that implements the Alternate Key on the XamMenuItem.
Please review my sample.
Sincerely, Matt Developer Support Engineer
Hi Matt Thanks for the sample, I've almost understood what I need to know,
Your sample builds a menu from code, I have a very simple menu build manually in xaml,For what I understand from the sample you Made a Template for the Menu and put a Label into it,
now, if this is my xaml for the menu Item
<ig:XamMenuItem Name="btnOpen" Height="32" Header="Open" VerticalAlignment="Top" Click="btnClick" >
<ig:XamMenuItem.Icon> <Image Source="/myassembly;component/Images/open.png"/> </ig:XamMenuItem.Icon> </ig:XamMenuItem>
How do I have to build the template to transform my Header property into a label?
Sorry but it is my first XAML Window and it is quite far from a windows form...
I answer Myself, After watching again your sample I tried this and it works
<ig:XamMenuItem.Header> <Label Content="{x:Static p:Resources.txtWCMnuOpen}" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" /></ig:XamMenuItem.Header>
so thank you again