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problem setting xamComboEditor to multi select


here is how i defined my namespace:





<igEditors:XamComboEditor Style="{StaticResource TrialSearchEditor}" 
                       ItemsSource="{Binding Entities}" Value="{Binding SelectedEntities, Mode=TwoWay}" />

according to documentation, this control should have a property called AllowMultipleSelection, but this one does not.

i don't see any property on this control that would allow for multi select. 

Editors DLL version: 11.1.20111.1002

as per that same documentation, i also tried using the following namespace, but that didn't work at all (as in.. no controls were defined in there)


  • 35319



    I have been looking into your issue and we provide two XamComboEditors controls from our NetAdvantage 2011.2 product for WPF up to now : WPF Specific XamComboEditor and shared XamComboEditor. WPF Specific XamComboEditor is similar to the Microsoft ComboBox control as the big difference between them is the way in which you bind data to the control. The shared XamComboEditor is not an ItemControl and you cannot add items directly in XAML. It must be strictly bound to data. It is not extended version of the WPF Specific XamComboEditor.



    For more information about them I can suggest you look through the following links from our online documentation :




    The property that you are looking for is available only in the shared XamComboEditor which is not available in NetAdvantage 2011.1. This is why you cannot find it.


    If you have any other questions on this matter, feel free to ask.

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