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How to add Hoverless Style resource in C#

I need to apply the Hoverless resource that is in this blog:

I only need to apply it if app is running via RDP. When I add it in xaml as described in the blog it works. But I can't get it to work when I add it in c#. 

I tried:

ResourceDictionary resDic = new ResourceDictionary();

resDic.Source = new Uri("/CAPPS;component/Styles/HoverlessStyles.xaml",UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

xamDataGridPeriods.Resources.Add("hoverLess", resDic);


xamDataGridPeriods.Resources.Add("hoverLess", Application.LoadComponent( new Uri("/CAPPS;component/Styles/HoverlessStyles.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) as ResourceDictionary);

I tried these in the constructor of the window after InitializeComponent(); call.
Any ideas? I know this is probably more of a generic WPF question, but any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.