When setting IGTheme in xamlTabControl, content of tabs is centered instead of stretched. If I remove Theme property then content of tabs is stretched. With
Office2010Blue theme content is stretched too (I think with all other themes).
Its solved setting HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment to "Stretch" int TabItemExs.
Why is happening this behavior with IGTheme (and not with Office2010Blue)?
Is possible to apply this properties to all tabitems with an style? Or is there another solution?
I have logged this behavior with our developers in our tracking system, with an issue ID of 116705. I have also created a support ticket on your behalf with number CAS-97200-72JVHJ in order to link the development issue to it so that you are automatically updated when a Service Release containing your fix is available for download.
This issue has been fixed and it is available in the latest Service Release. You can download the Service Release by logging in our web site and then going to Account\My Keys and Downloads page.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hello Isidoro,
I am still following your case.
Have you been able to download and verify that your issue is fixed with the latest service release available?
Please let me know if you need any further assistance.