When setting the WorldRect property to
Using a custom MapTileSource (that fetches images from a WMS-service). I don't get any calls to GetTileLayers, no images downloaded and no error. Just a mapcontrol without maps in it.
I see that the ActualWorldRect gets immediatly changes its value from {-180;-85,05112878;360;170,10225756} to {-20037508,3428;-90;40075016,6856;NaN}, after setting the WorldRect.
It looks a little suspicious, but It might be because I dont really understand the concept of the ActualWorldRect. I don't see any good description in the documentation. Can someone clarify?
In general, what determines what calls are made to GetTileLayeres?
Hello Thomas,
I am just checking if you got this worked out or you still require any assistance or clarification on the matter.