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X Axis ignoring label formatting


The X axis seems to be ignoring label formatting, please have a look at my code below and see if something's wrong.


        Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet

        Dim axisX As New Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Axis
        axisX.AxisType = AxisType.PrimaryX
        axisX.Label.Format = "{0:n3}"

        Dim axisY As New Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Axis
        axisY.AxisType = AxisType.PrimaryY
        axisY.Label.Format = "{0:n1}"

        Dim s As Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Series = New Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Series
        s.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
        s.DataMapping = "label=x;value=y"
        s.ChartType = ChartType.Column


This is my data:

  <VALUE X="1.0013" Y="0"/>
  <VALUE X="1.0021" Y="1"/>
  <VALUE X="1.0033" Y="2"/>
  <VALUE X="1.0046" Y="5"/>
  <VALUE X="1.0052" Y="8"/>
  <VALUE X="1.0062" Y="2"/>
  <VALUE X="1.0078" Y="1"/>


  • 28496
    Offline posted

    most likely this is happening because the X and Y values are retrieved as a string at some point, so the double formatting string is not accepted.  this may be a problem with the control ... but try changing the DataType property of your DataColumns (in ds.Tables(0).Columns) to double or something numeric.