I have a simple XDM with a DocumentContentHost, SplitPane, and TabGroupPane (use same sample code from my post on "Root Panes"). If I float a tab, then drag a second tab onto the same floating pane, after it morphs into a floating tabgrouppane, the first tab stays visible and the new tab is shown at the bottom left. In this scenario I cannot click on the newer tab to activate it, but must click on the visible, first tab first, and must do this even though the newer tab has a mouseover cue. I've stumbled over this in demos several times. If a tab has a mouseover action, it should activate upon clicking. I'm using 12.1. Thanks.
Hello Darryl,
You can apply only the latest service release, it is not necessarily to have them all, also I tested the sample against version 12.2 and everything works correctly there, too.
Hope this helps you.
Hi Stefan,
I have some tight deadlines now, so I may delay putting in the service releases. But while we're on the subject, I see two of them. Is it necessary to apply all of them, in sequence? Also, 12.2 is available, and I'm wondering if you would mind checking of you can directly activate the hidden floating tab, as described, in the new version as well. Thanks.
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I tested the sample from your other post (“Root Panes”) with the latest service release of 12.1 (2082) and everything seems to work ok on my side. I attached a video with the result I got. If you don’t use the latest service release I can suggest you download it by logging to our web site and going to Account \Keys & Downloads. Please let me know if this helps you or you need further assistance on this matter.
Looking forward for your reply.