Hi Everyone,
We are using the XamDayView (in XamOutlookCalendarView) (version 11.1). When I have multiple ResourceCalendars (Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.ResourceCalendar), and one of the ResourceCalendars has NO activities, tabbing to this calendar will freeze the whole application. When debugging it looks like we are stuck in a infinite loop inside the code below. It looks like the next group never ends up null.
We can easily reproduce this with a simple test app. I can attach it if requested.
// if we didn't find it in the source panel then work forward/back from that panel
if (null == activityToSelect && foundActivity)
int adjustment = next ? 1 : -1;
startingPanelIndex += adjustment;
int end = next ? panels.Count : -1;
for ( int i = startingPanelIndex; i != end; i += adjustment )
var item = panels[i];
activityToSelect = item.Item1.GetNextActivity(activity, next, item.Item2, out foundActivity);
if ( null != activityToSelect )
containingPanel = item.Item1;
// move to the next group
startingGroup = this.GetNextPreviousGroup(startingGroup, next);
panels = this.GetActivityNavigationList(startingGroup);
startingPanelIndex = next ? -1 : panels.Count;
} while ( startingGroup != null );
This issue was recently found internally and fixed as part of another issue (77040). Unfortunately it was found after the last service release for 11.1 (which was back in May) so it is not available in that version. It is available in recent service releases for 11.2 and 12.1 as well as in the release version of 12.2.