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xamDataChart VerticalZoomable

I have two charts which I am trying to keep Synchronised in the x direction but allow different levels of zoom in y.

See bellow XAML section
Everything goes well UNTIL I zoom both charts. After this adjusting one in the y direction adjusts the other's y position. This happens regardless of whether I scroll using the vertical scroll bar or use the mouse.
It may be that it happens when the "other" chart is not zoomed, but that because it is full scale there is nowhere for it to go.

<!-- Chart With ToolTip --> <ig:XamDataChart x:Name="dataChart1"      Grid.Row="0"      DataContext="{Binding SelectedData}"           HorizontalZoombarVisibility="Collapsed"      HorizontalZoomable="True"      VerticalZoombarVisibility="Visible"      VerticalZoomable="True"     >  <ig:SyncManager.SyncSettings>   <ig:SyncSettings SyncChannel="Group1"        SynchronizeHorizontally="True"        SynchronizeVertically="False" />  </ig:SyncManager.SyncSettings>  .  .


<!-- Chart With ToolTip --> <ig:XamDataChart x:Name="dataChart2"      Grid.Row="1"      DataContext="{Binding SelectedData}"           HorizontalZoombarVisibility="Collapsed"      HorizontalZoomable="True"      VerticalZoombarVisibility="Visible"      VerticalZoomable="True"  >  <ig:SyncManager.SyncSettings>   <ig:SyncSettings SyncChannel="Group1"        SynchronizeHorizontally="True"        SynchronizeVertically="False" />  </ig:SyncManager.SyncSettings>


<ig:Zoombar Grid.Row="2" x:Name="zoomBar"      d:LayoutOverrides="Height"      Target="{Binding ElementName=dataChart, Path=HorizontalZoombar}"            >  <ig:XamZoombar.HorizontalPreviewContent>   <ig:XamDataChart DataContext="{Binding SelectedData, Mode=OneWay}"        HorizontalZoombarVisibility="Collapsed"        VerticalZoombarVisibility="Collapsed"        Background="#000000"        PlotAreaBorderThickness="0"        PlotAreaBackground="Black"        Padding="0">

  </ig:XamDataChart>  </ig:XamZoombar.HorizontalPreviewContent> </ig:ZoombarEx>