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Copy paste order


I met a problem when I do copy and paste:

1. I have two columns:Name and Description and in the grid I have several rows

2. I selected one row and press copy

3. When Paste, I found there is a order:first paste the content for Name and the paste the content for Description

however, I have a special situation that I need to paste the value for the second column first, and then the first one.

Is it possible to do this?

Thank you!

  • 28407


     YOu can wire up the XamDataGrid's ClipBoardPasting Event,

     IN that event you can set the Text that is being copied.

     Here is the Code Snippet

      private void xgrid1_ClipboardPasting(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.ClipboardPastingEventArgs e)


               ido = e.DataObject as DataObject;

              string s = ido.GetText();

                s = ido.GetText();




     Developer Support Engineer

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