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Programatically close FieldChooser window

Hi i have a xamdatagrid that has field chooser . I am  able to open and choose fields, How ever for some condition i hide my xamdatagrid at the same the i want to hide the field chooser associated to this grid.

right now the grid is hidden but the fieldchooserwindow is still open.

any solutions help me



  • 253
    Verified Answer

    I got this fixed by myself. Its basically we do not have any Close Window option for xamdatagrid. Hence we have to do a different way

    first get the fieldChooserWindow from fieldChoosedOpeningEvent and assign it to local toolwindow variable in the class

    private void FieldChooser

    private void XamDataGridLanguageEntriesOnFieldChooserOpening(object sender, FieldChooserOpeningEventArgs e)
                fieldChooserWindow = e.ToolWindow;
                e.FieldChooser.FieldDisplayOrder = FieldChooserDisplayOrder.Alphabetical;
    now in IsVisibleChangeEvent get the toolwindow and call Close method to close the window

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