I have a scenerio where when the user edits a record, the small icon of ‘modified record’ appears in the Record Selector area. After I save the changes (or even if I cancel the changes) and update the data source connected to the grid, that icon never goes away. Moreover, if the changes are successfully saved, the record remains highlighted, even though the active record has changed. After editing a few records, the grid looks like the picture attached. How do I fix it? I tried calling ExecuteCommand(DataPresenterCommands.CommitChangesToAllRecords) but that didn't work for me unless I was using it incorrectly.
If you have your XamDataGrid's UpdateMode="OnUpdate" then the xgrid1.ExecuteCommand(DataPresenterCommands.CommitChangesToAllRecords) should work.
What do you have UpdateMode set to ? and what version and Build Of NeTAdvantage are you using?
Sincerely, Matt
Developer Support Engineer
Just to clarify its the modified icon below I want to get rid of thats in the selector area. Is there a command that will do so or I have to do what you stated above? The selection icon works fine.
The rowselector icon, is show because you have selected multiple records and or cells. It also appears if you have an ActiveRecord, which is a record ready to receive keyboard input.
You can remove the icon by doing the following
xgrid1.ActiveRecord = null;