Hi, how do I set the caption text of Row/Column filter are items.
I can set the caption for measures like this (Amount is a measure):
<igOlap:DimensionMetadata SourcePropertyName="Amount" DisplayName="Transaction Amount" DisplayFormat="{}{0:C2}"/>
but when I try the same thing with a non measure item used in rows and columns this setting has no effect:
<igOlap:DimensionMetadata SourcePropertyName="ProductName" DisplayName="CUSTOM CAPTION"/>
The filter are item still shows "ProductName". (I'm referring to the filter item which has the filter dropdown with the icon, not the row/column names which I can set with Hierarchy descriptors).
Hi Roman,
I'm glad you were able to resolve your issue. Let me know if you have any further questions on this matter.
nevermind, I figured it out eventually,
I'm not sure I follow what you're referring to. Can you provide a screenshot of what text still shows "ProductName"?