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Set TabHeaderTemplate property of ContentPane through styles

I have an application that it is running in WPF and usings NetAdvantage 12.2. The main window structure, header and such, are in a external dll, i add my content inside of it. I dont have access to the way the tabs are being built. I need, however, to change the Header, the user would like to have the close button right next to the title of the tab. I read this and i created that template and I am trying to set it with a Style. I am pretty new in WPF so I may be doing something wrong, although i have checked with other collegues.

I have this code in a Resource Dictionary, but is not working:

<DataTemplate x:Key="tabItemHeaderWithClose">

        <DockPanel x:Name="pnl">

            <Button x:Name="closeBtn" DockPanel.Dock="Right"



Command="{x:Static igWPF:ContentPaneCommands.Close}"

                            CommandTarget="{Binding Path=Pane,RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type igWPF:PaneTabItem}}}"

Style="{DynamicResource {x:Static igWPF:TabGroupPane.DocumentCloseButtonStyleKey}}" />

            <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" />



            <Trigger Property="igWPF:XamDockManager.PaneLocation" Value="Document">

                <Setter TargetName="closeBtn" Property="Visibility" Value="Visible" />




 But it doesnt work

    <Style TargetType="igWPF:ContentPane">

        <Setter Property="TabHeaderTemplate" Value="{StaticResource tabItemHeaderWithClose}"/>



Any help or tips taht you could give me, will be greatly appreciated.
