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XamComboEditor Filtering Problem

Hi All,

I am using MVVM, and i load data on demand in XamComboEditor. I have done this goal but the problem is that when i type the text in XamComboEditor filtered record is displayed in XamComboEditor, but automatically record is selected who contain that character that i typed, even i did not select item from XamComboEditor. I just type the text to shown the matched record when user select any record from XamComboEditor than that selected record must display in XamComboEditor. Same behavior is shown in attached sample. I use Northwind data base for retrieving data.Nortwind Database Script is included in sample application.

1- I want to call only when user stop typing. Currently character by character database is hit. This is very overhead on database, and at the end system is crashed due to lots of connection opened.

2- Record must be displayed when user select any record from XamComboEditor  instead of automatically matched record selected during text typing.

3- XamComboEditor is automatically opened when user start typing in it.



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