I'm trying to do a simple thing : persist the order, width, sorting, visibility, and grouping of the columns of a XamGrid. The purpose is for the user to find its settings back when it starts the application again. My grid contains 50 columns of various types (Text, DateTime, Checkbox, Template, ...) and the problem is that when I use the PersistenceManager.Save(...) without specific settings, the resulting file is almost 8MB and it is very slow to save and load.
I tried the solution described in the post http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/63366.aspx, it doesn't work as expected. It saves the settings but not the actual width, order, etc.
Is there a way to persist only some of the columns properties without persisting the whole object?
Thanks in advance.
Please let me know if you need further assistance regarding this Issue.
Developer Support Engineer
You can exclude properties you don't need.
Sincerely, Matt Developer Support Engineer