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Change visibility of column when grouped

I have retemplated the GroupByRecordPresenter with no problem. I have custom text and buttons that show up.

What I would like to have happen is that items in a certain column are hidden when they are grouped.

This is the field I'm trying to change:

 <igDp:Field Name="Instrument" Label="{Resx ResxName=Gui.Resource,	 Key=GuiInstrument}"			 Width="*"> 
 <igDp:FieldSettings AllowHiding="Never" CellValuePresenterStyle="{StaticResource InstrumentVisible}"/>
 igDp:Field.Settings>  igDp:Field>  

This is the CellValuePresenterStyle I'm using:

 <Style TargetType="{x:Type igDp:CellValuePresenter}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type igDp:CellValuePresenter}}" x:Key="InstrumentVisible" x:Shared="False">
 <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Record, Converter={StaticResource GroupedInstrumentConverter}}" Value="True">
 <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>
 DataTrigger>  Style.Triggers>  Style> 

And this is the converter I'm using:

	public class GroupedInstrumentConverter : IValueConverter
		public object Convert(object valueType targetTypeobject parameterSystem.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
			if (value is Record)
				Record r = value as Record;				
				if (r.FieldLayout.Fields["StrategyString"].IsGroupBy)
					return true;
					return false;
			// value wasn't valid, return nothing
			return null;
		public object ConvertBack(object valueType targetTypeobject parameterSystem.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
			// Not used, return nothing
			return null;

The code does go through the converter just fine, but the visibility of the cell is still Visible, when I want it to be Hidden. Any tips for what I'm doing wrong?