I use the xamDockManager and have two kinds of ContentPanes. One type is like Solution Explorer or the Toolbox window in VisualStudio. Lets call them "Tool Windows". Then I have documents. The documents are like open files in VisualStudio. Lets call them "Files". And just like in VisualStudio I want to have a "Windows" list that shows me a list of the File documents with the active document highlighted. The problem is not the list, but the activation of the documents. How can I activate a document by click on it? And how can I activate it by selecting it from my windows list? Even if the document is floating and not docked!
I made posted a question a few minutes ago (Floating ContentPane and Navigator appearance) where I asked how to influence the Navigator of the xamDockManager. maybe both posts have something in common.
Thanks, Florian
Hello Florian,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I can suggest to take a look at the following blog: http://ko.infragistics.com/community/blogs/andrew_smith/archive/2010/01/12/itemssource-for-xamdockmanager-elements.aspx. In the blog you can find more information about how to set ItemsSource for the XamDockManager elements.
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions on the matter.
I am just checking your progress on the issue. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions on the matter.