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xamComboEditor displays string lengths, not string values

Just starting with wpf. Trying to figure out what I did wrong. 

I have the following xaml ... 


            Name ="cbeElementList"



            Height="30" Width="250"   



Its ItemsSource comes from a List of enum GetNames entries. 

        public static List<string> GetElmentFieldList(string elementType = "ElementType")


            var eType = "Sunlight.Json.e" + elementType;

            var myType = Type.GetType(eType);

            return Enum.GetNames(myType).ToList();


The combo is loaded as follows…

private void LoadDataEntitiesList()


            var dataEntities = SunlightFields.GetElmentFieldList("ElementType");

            cbeElementList.ItemsSource = dataEntities;

            cbeElementList.SelectedIndex = 0;


When the editor displays, instead of the string values (alpha, beta, gamma) being listed, their lengths are listed (5,4,5). 

When I retrieve the selected item, the return string is the actual string value (alpha) …

var name = cbeElementList.SelectedItem.ToString(); 

The xaml namespaces are … 





        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"> 

Trying to figure out what I have done wrong. 

Thanks - Abbott

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