I have TextColumn which is shows numeric values. I am using FormatString="{}{0:N0}" to show to number in a format but when I get into the edit mode, textbox does not show number format.
How can preserve formating for edit mode?
How can restrict user to just enter numeric values with commas if possible?
Hello Gajender,
Thank you for your question.
In order to display this string format when you are in edit mode, you should be set the Field.Settings.EditorStyle to XamNumericEditor.
I am attaching you a sample application (Grid_bind_Field_label.zip). In case that you want to change the mask of this editor, please refer to the following help link: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/WPF/2013.1/CLR4.0/?page=xamEditors_Masks.html
Best regards,
Anatoli Iliev