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xamDataTree not displaying the displaymemberpath

I am trying to use the xamDataTree control to display some very simple data. I have a class WizardStep which contains a string property Subtitle:

public class WizardStep {  public string Subtitle; }

I have setup the xamDataTree as follows:

<ig:XamDataTree Name="MyTree" Background="Transparent">
<ig:NodeLayout Key="WizardStepLayout" TargetTypeName="WizardStep" DisplayMemberPath="Subtitle"></ig:NodeLayout>

I set the ItemSource to a populated array of type WizardStep in code behind:

MyTree.ItemsSource = wizardSteps;

But nothing appears in the XamDataTree. Interestinlgy if I set the ItemSource as

MyTree.ItemsSource = wizardSteps.Select(x => x.Subtitle);

then the tree is populated.

Please advise.

  • 30945
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Matt,


    Thank you for you post. I have been looking into the behavior that you have described and the reason for it is that the Subtitle is a field. What I can suggest in order to avoid this behavior is changing the Subtitle to a property as follows:


        public class WizardStep


            public string Subtitle { get; set; }




    Please let me know if you need any further assistance on the matter.




    Developer Support Engineer
