We are using the XamRibbon and Infragistics 2013.1. Currently when we mouse over a button on the Ribbon the mouse-over (or highlight) color is orange. Changing the Theme of the Ribbon does not have any effect on this orange color. Is it possible to change this through a property or some kind of WPF styling? I can see the ApplicaitonAccentColor but that just seems to effect the color of the File tab (when in Office2010 mode) and the color of the selected item in the Backstage.
The Office 2010 style uses an orange mouse over color to the buttons and other controls in the ribbon too. Even though there is an accent color, for example Word is blue, they still use an orange mouse-over color. It would be nice to be able to quickly change this mouse over color but for now I would not worry about it. Thanks very much for the info about the Keys, that will come in handy. I think what would make that information even more useful is if there was a picture or diagram showing which key effects which part of the UI. Right now, as far as I know, we only have the name of the key to help understand what the key effects.
We use DynamicResource to obtain the brushes used for the various states of the tools. The keys for those brushes are defined by the RibbonBrushKeys class. You might want to look at this forum post for more info. In the future we could use the ApplicationAccentColor to generate the hottrack colors similar to how Office 2013 does but that isn't currently available.