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xamMap fails to show any spatial data

I am trying to create a simple map based status screen.

Would like to link with current data with Entity data store. Then based on a field change the colour of the polygon.

Currently I can't get any display at all! (even trying a shapefile as well!)

Calling code is

SplashScreenMap map = new SplashScreenMap();

map.Extent = _mappingVM.CurrentMapExtent.ToLatLong();

SqlShapeReader sqlReader = map.XamMap.Layers["PaddockLayer"].Reader as SqlShapeReader;

if (sqlReader != null)


var data = ViewModel.ViewModelLocator.Report.PaddockDictShapes;

sqlReader.DataSource = data; map.XamMap.Layers["PaddockLayer"].ImportAsync();


ShapeFileReader shp = map.XamMap.Layers["PaddockShape"].Reader as ShapeFileReader;

if (shp != null)


shp.Uri = "file://" + System.IO.Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), _mappingVM.GetLayer(LayerType.Paddock).FeatureSet.Filename) .Replace(@"\", "/");



await Task.Delay(10000);



And the property I would like to bind to



public IEnumerable<Dictionary<string, string>> PaddockDictShapes




if (_DictShapes == null)        


List<string> props = Helpers.Utilities.GetProperties<ShapeData>();

_DictShapes = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();            

foreach (ShapeData paddockShape in PaddockShapes)            


Dictionary<string, string> valueDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();                

foreach (string prop in props)                


PropertyInfo propertyInfo = typeof(ShapeData).GetProperty(prop);                    

object value = propertyInfo.GetValue(paddockShape);                    

valueDictionary.Add(prop, (value == null) ? "" : value.ToString());                





return _DictShapes;    



and attached the Xaml file