(Not sure, but i think i have the same issue.If this isn't the case, then please move this to a new topic.)
I create a xamMultiColumnComboBox:
Name="xamMCCE" SelectedItemsResetButtonVisibility="Collapsed" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DisplayMemberPath="LabelText" CustomValueEnteredAction="Allow" FilterMode="FilterOnPrimaryColumnOnly" > <ig:XamMultiColumnComboEditor.Columns> <ig:TextComboColumn Key="Value" /> <ig:TextComboColumn Key="LabelText" /> </ig:XamMultiColumnComboEditor.Columns> </ig:XamMultiColumnComboEditor>
I create a ComboItem Class:
public class ComboItem { public ComboItem() : this(null, string.Empty) { } public ComboItem(object value, string labelText) { Value = value; LabelText = labelText; } public object Value { get; set; } public string LabelText { get; set; } }
Then fill the MultiColumnComboBox with sample data:
List<ComboItem> itemList = new List<ComboItem>() { new ComboItem(1, "one"), new ComboItem(2, "two"), new ComboItem("drei", "three"), new ComboItem(4, "four"), new ComboItem("fünf", "five"), new ComboItem(6, "six"), new ComboItem(7, "seven"), new ComboItem("acht", "eight") }; xamMCCE.ItemsSource = itemList;
And set a "custom" ComboItem which is not in the list:
xamMCCE.SelectedItem = new ComboItem(9, "nine");
When i open the DropDown menu, the FIRST item is selected automatically.
If i leave the ComboBox i.e. with TAB or ENTER, the first item is the new selected item.
What i expect is when i open the DropDown, no other item is selected, because the current selected item is not listed.
When i leave the ComboBox, the "custom" item should still be the selected item.
I attached an example of this.
Is there a workaround for this issue. When will it be fixed approximateky. And how could i be noticed?
Best regards,
P.S.: How is it possible to put "code text" in this thread easily, so that i "looks like" code.
Hello Jochen,
I am just checking if you require any further assistance on the matter.