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Bind XamDataGrid Width to Container Width

I have a XamTile with a grid. The grid has no width properties set. Inside the grid is a XamDataGrid with several columns. I have AutoFitMode="ExtendLastField" to extend the last column. 

The problem is that when I resize the XamTile to a narrower width, the XamDataGrid does not resize along with the narrower width of the tile.

I have tried to set a style for the width, then either bind the XamDataGrid width to that style or apply the style to it

This is the style:

<Style x:Key="FlexibleWidth" TargetType="{x:Type igDP:XamDataGrid}">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="{Binding ElementName=UserGrid, Path=ActualWidth}" />

This is the binding width attempt:

Width="{Binding ElementName=UserGrid, Path=ActualWidth}"

This is the applying a style to the XamDataGrid attempt:

Style="{StaticResource FlexibleWidth}

Is there a way to have the XamDataGrid resize to the width of the parent grid each time the XamTile is resized?