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How can I get the selected cell index from ActiveRecord

Hi, I had to use SelectRecord as my data grid's CellClickAction, but when I clicked at a cell, I want to know the clicked cell index, is there any way I can get it?


  • 2125


    I don't know why you insist on using CellClickAction="SelectRecord"  in your  application.
    In answer to your question - "How can I get the selected cell index from ActiveRecord ?"
    I suggest you the following.

    In the Xaml file use this:  

            <igDP:XamDataGrid Name="xamDataGrid1" BindToSampleData="True"  Margin="0,0,0,144"  SelectedItemsChanged="xamDataGrid1_SelectedItemsChanged">

    In the code behind use this:

    private void xamDataGrid1_SelectedItemsChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.SelectedItemsChangedEventArgs e)
           DataRecord selectedRecord = (DataRecord) xamDataGrid1.ActiveRecord;
           Cell selectedCell = xamDataGrid1.ActiveCell;
           CellCollection cellCollection = selectedRecord.Cells;
           int indxSelectedCell = cellCollection.IndexOf(selectedCell);
           MessageBox.Show("The index of the selected cell is :" + indxSelectedCell.ToString());

    Best Regards,


  • 230

    Anybody can help me?