Hi I have an xamdatagrid bound to a BindingList and I am modifying a property in the base class and need it to update the field in the UI. It is working, but only if I click inside of the field and then back out after the property has been changed in code. Is there something obvious that I might be doing wrong ? I am implementing INotifyPropertyChanged properly on the base property.
I am setting the datasource for the datagrid by using .DataSource in the code behind:
SuppliersTarget.DataSource = SuppliersColTarget.Suppliers;
Any insight would be appreciated.
I can not reproduce using the latest service release in 13.1
I am attaching a sample, press the button on top, it updates the base class and the updates are reflected in the grid.
Thanks I had just forgotten to implement : INotifyPropertyChanged on my base VM class.. oops.