Can I implement below function:
In my xamDataChart, I can choose one data point, and then use keyboard (left or right) to choose left data point or right data point?
Do I make myself clearly? Sorry for my poor English..
Hello Stefan,
Thanks for your answer. I have studied your sample. In your sample, you generate ten data in Construct, but when I change it to 1000 data, like this: this.DataContext = ChartData.GenerateData(1000); I found that the application crashed.. Waiting for your answer, Thanks~
Hello Charlie,
I have modified the sample, so now the XamDataChart has LineSeries. Since the whole line is a single Path, I made the Markers selectable.
Hope this helps you.
Could you please give me a sample using lineSeries not columnSeries, Thanks~~
I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter.
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I created a sample project for you with the functionality you want. Basically I handled the Series’ PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown event and set a different color for the clicked Column and get its index. I also handled the Window’s PreviewKeyDown event in order to be able to change the colors to the columns on the left or right based on the pressed button. Please let me know if this helps you or you need further assistance on this matter.
Looking forward for your reply.