I have a XamDateTimeEditor with this mask:
"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
When using it, the ValueChanged event is not fired after selecting a date in the calendar dropdown. It does fire if I use only "yyyy-mm-dd" as the mask, but I really needed the time in there as well.
Is there any way around this? When selecting from the calendar, the time is empty. I want to use the ValueChanged event to put 23:59:59 as the time, so for example, selecting today would display 2013-12-19 23:59:59
Yep, that does it. Thanks!
(Not sure what caused my original post to end up with two horizontal scroll bars. They weren't there when I posted.)
Hi Michel,
Try hooking into TextChanged event instead. That should be raised when you change the date via the calendar. The reason why ValueChanged is not raised is because the value is incomplete - the user has not entered the time portion yet.
Hope this helps,