I am trying to use the XamTileManager as the Content of an ApplicationMenu2010Item and it does not honor any of the layout settings for the tiles. There is something wrong with the ApplicationMenu2010Item that causes the XamTileManager to get confused. I have also tested this with the WPF WrapPanel. When the WrapPanel is the Content of the ApplicationMenu2010Item it does not wrap its items at all. They are just shown as a single line of continuous items, it never wraps. I am not sure if there is a work-around or some other setting that I am not aware of but from what I can tell at this point...its a bug somewhere...my guess is that its in the ApplicationMenu2010Item.
I am using version 13.1.20131.1009
Could someone please confirm my findings and please tell me if there is a way to get the XamTileManager to behave correctly as the Content of an ApplicationMenu2010Item?
Hello Jon,
I have created a sample project for you, which shows how you can disable the vertical and horizontal scrollbars. Basically I set the ApplicationMenu2010's ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility and ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility Properties to Disable.
Hope this helps you.
From the answers in this post, it appears that the scrollbar properties are supposed to be available now. I am on version 14.2. How do I disable ApplicationMenu2010 vertical scrolling? Can you please provide an example?
So I take back what I said about the UniformGrid. It does work as expected in the eApplicationMenu2010Item if we use Borders as its Child Elements but as soon as you add other controls to the Borders, like a TextBlock, it does not display correctly because of the scroll bar issue stated above. We tried adding a TextBox control to the Border and the text will not wrap and trim because it thinks is has infinite space. So I am looking forward to getting the update so we can control the scroll bar of the ApplicationMenu2010Item.
Well a UniformGrid just measures each child with a percentage of the available width/height depending on the number of rows and columns in the grid that you specify. It then returns a desired size based on the maximum of the desired size width and height of each child times the number of rows/columns. So basically that ends up measuring each child with infinity and essentially using the "auto" size of each to calculate its desired size. Because tile manager is much more complicated and needs to know the actual available size to be able to do things like figuring out which items are in view (because it supports scrolling and virtualization) and that actual available size is not available for something within a scroll viewer.
So we just (as a test) used the standard WPF UniformGrid and it seems to work as expected. This was a surprise based on what has been said earlier.