I saw how to mark holidays on the calendar using the this link "http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/74325.aspx"
I have another requirement on top of this. I would like to display a tool tip when users hover over the days marked as holiday in the calendar. The challenge here is that I have a List<IHolidays> object in the view model. IHolidays interface has two properties DATE and DESCRIPTION. This is the collection I iterate over to mark the disabled dates. Now, how do I use this to bring the tool tip as well.
Any replies please?
I got this to work after having a look at this post
The above solution helps to display the tooltip for a date marked as holiday but when I use the below code (From one of the infragistics forum) to mark holidays with another color then the tooltip never appears. Can somebody please help?
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:CalendarDay}">
<Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="False">
<!--<Setter Property="Background" Value="PeachPuff"/>-->
Just one more question. Like you have a setter for the tooltip property I also created one for the background property and I set the color based on if the date is a holiday or not. All works perfectly.
Now when I take my cursor over the date which is a holiday the tooltip appears but the color disappears. Any idea why and how this could be solved?
There is a MultiTrigger in the “CalendarItemInner” ControlTemplate that is hit when the user hovers a day. It applies custom color for that date. In order to disable this functionality you could retemplate the default template defined in the eitors.generic.xaml file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2013.2\WPF\DefaultStyles\Editors and remove the trigger. I have modified the sample project to show this approach. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
I am just checking your progress on the issue.
If you have any other questions regarding the CalendarDay styling, please feel free to ask.
Thanks much. We can close this issue.
Thank you for your feedback Ranjith.
I am glad this approach helped you and I believe that it will be useful for other community members as well.