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ContextMenu click is not working properly with PersistenceManager in WPF xamgrid


i am using InfragisticsWPF4.v11.2 in my application.

i have use xamgrid in my application. i have use PersistenceManger to save the user  preferences. After i loading my xamgrid from persistenceManager contextmenu click is not working. i have use MVVM pattern in my application 

xaml Code

<ContextMenu x:Key="DataGridRoiSummaryContextMenu">
<MenuItem Header="Update Prediction For Selection" Command="{Binding MenuCommand, Converter={StaticResource NotConverter}}" CommandParameter="UpdatePredictionForSelection" IsEnabled="{Binding HasUpdatePredictionRights}" >

<MenuItem Header="Clear Prediction For Selection" Command="{Binding MenuCommand}" CommandParameter="ClearPredictionForSelection" IsEnabled="{Binding HasUpdatePredictionRights}">

<MenuItem Header="Reset Column Order to Default" Command="{Binding MenuCommand}" CommandParameter="ResetColumnOrdertoDefault">


Code Behind

  •  save my grid to memorystream 

                                 MemoryStream memoryStream;

                                  memoryStream = PersistenceManager.Save(DataGridRoiSummary);

  • loading from memorystream

                             PersistenceManager.Load(DataGridRoiSummary, memorystreamobject);

can you please help me

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