We have a xamDataGrid that displays data in different field layout. After perform an action on an item in the grid, the item should be display in a different layout, is there a way to only update the record related to the item? Where to set new field layout to the record?
Currently we refresh the whole grid to get the new layout in AssigningFieldLayoutToItem event handler, but it’s slow. We are looking for more efficient ways.
Hello Crystal and thank you for posting!
The AssigningFieldLayoutToItem event fires when an item from the DataSource is being associated with a FieldLayout. Currently I could not think of a better solution for calling this event than the rebinding of the source. Then in the handler of the event new FieldLayout could be assigned to the grid as the AssigningFieldLayoutToItem occurs before the InitializeRecord event.
I am just checking if you have any other questions on the matter.