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Using XamRibbon with customized Office2013 theme

Hello, we are currently using the XamRibbon in version v13.1. We are doing a lot of customization of the default styles. We do this customization by directly modifying the RibbonGeneric.xaml file and adding the modified file as a ResourceDictionary to the Application.Resources.

We now have the requirement to change our styles to be closer to the Office2013 look and feel. Therefore I started some investigations using Infragistics v14.1.

When I use the default styles (i.e. do not load any customized RibbonGeneric.xaml file into the Resources) and set the Theme of the XamRibbon to Office2013 I get the output as shown in the attached figure (Office2013 Ribbon but old ribbon group style). The tabs and the application menu look nice, but we still get the old fashioned ribbon groups. 

1) My first question would be how to get to the office 2013 styled ribbon groups as they show up in the IGOutlook sample application (see IGOutlook).

2) My second question is what is the correct way to customize the office 2013 theme:

- in which file are the office 2013 styles defined for the ribbon?

- can I modify these default styles and load them into the application resources as we do now, even if we set the ribbon Theme to Offce2013

I would appreciate a simple example showing how to achieve the ribbon as it is shown in the attached figure for IGOutlook, plus any kind of customization of this (like for example setting the ribbon background to some other color or changing the line with/style of the ribbon group separators)

Thank you very much and kind regards!

  • 22015



    Thank you for your post!


    I have been looking into it and have created a small sample application for you, in order to show you how the Office 2013 theme for XamRibbon looks like.

    Please note, that Office2013 theme is available with Infragistics 14.1 and you can use it with component of this version.

    Regarding your first question about the groups please refer to the attached sample application. There you can see how they look like with Office2013 theme.


    Regarding your second question – about where can you find the theme. It is available in the Infragistics folder, that is created on your computer when you install our products. The path to this folder is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2014.1\WPF\DefaultStyles\Ribbon and the files are  RibbonOffice2013.xaml and RibbonOffice2013Brushes.xaml .

    You can add those files to your application and them use them as a resource dictionary.


    If you set the Theme property for the XamRibbon to Office2013, then change the default styles, those changes would not apply to the ribbon. This is because it uses new styles when the Office2013 theme is set. The styles for the Office2013 are created in the RibbonOffice2013.xaml file. In order to make changes to the Theme you have to modify this file.


    Please find the attached sample application and feel free to let me know if you have any further questions on this matter.

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