I have an application where I am using the xamDock manager that takes up the whole screen but I would like the orientation as follows.
Top of the screen
Pane 1 (takes up width of the whole screen)
Pane 2 (half of the width screen) | Pane 3 (half of the width screen)
Pane 4 (takes up width of the whole screen)
Pane 5 (half of the width screen) | Pane 6 (half of the width screen)
Bottom of the screen
Is this achievable? Initial location only seems to respond to DockedBottom, DockedRight, DockedLeft, and DockedTop. How would I express "Docked BottomRight" for example, please?
Hi Christian,
In order to make a ContentPane start out as a floating pane, the SplitPane that contains the ContentPane will have to set it's IntialLocation to DockableFloating.
<igDock:SplitPane igDock:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockableFloating">
If you want to set it programmatically then you can do this through the ContentPane's ExecuteCommand method.
As for maximizing the floating pane, please see the following forum thread: http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/66624/337403.aspx#337403
Hi Valerie,
Thank you for following up, and yes that did solve my initial question. I have another related one - If I have the same orientation as laid out in the original post, and then I also want to programatically add pane 6 as a floating (but dockable) pane that shares a data context with panes 1-5, how would I do that? Ideally I would want pane 6 to open up full-screen in a second monitor by default, but if that isn't possible, I would at least like to know how to open up a floated pane from XAML and codebehind
Hello Christian,
Were you able to resolve your issue?
Developer Support Supervisor - XAML
You should be able to add one view to the content pane using code similar to the code you provided that your PositionSummaryView is a UserControl and not a ContentPane. If you wish to add multiple ContentPanes using prism, I suggest reviewing the following posts:
Also, I tested your approach in the attached sample and my view was added to the region successfully. If you still need assistance after reviewing the posts, please check the attached sample and if needed modify the sample to better effect your scenario or provide an alternate sample demonstrating your issue so that I can be of further assistance.
Let me know if you have any questions.
is this the correct syntax if I wish to add content to the content pane dynamically from viewmodel?
<igWPF:SplitPane igWPF:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedBottom" SplitterOrientation="Horizontal" AllowDrop="True">
<igWPF:ContentPane x:Name="bottomDock" prism:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static inf:KnownRegionNames.DockedBottom}" />
void OpenPositionSummary()
var view = _container.Resolve<PositionSummaryView>();
view.DataContext = _container.Resolve<PositionSummaryViewModel>();
var region = RegionManager.Regions[KnownRegionNames.DockedBottom];
I Get the following error when I try it this way (PositionSummaryView.xaml is a ContentPane) ...
"ContentPane 'Modules.InventoryManagement.PositionSummaryView Header:Position Summary Content:' cannot be nested within another ContentPane ('Infragistics.Windows.DockManager.ContentPane Header: Content:Position Summary')"
Should I change PositionSummary to be something other than a content pane?