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Add new row in empty DataTable

Hello to everyone!

I have a problem with adding a new row in xamGrid binded to DataTable.

More detailed. I made a small project where I create a DataTable and bind it to the xamGrid. When there is at least one row in the DataTable adding and editing works fine untill I delete the last row in the xamGrid. After that always something strange happens. For example, grid does not add first row I entered but add second and next, or program just crashes with RowNotInTableException. The other side of the problem appears when there are no rows in the DataTable at startup (ViewModel.cs uncomment line 27). In this case I have no ability to add a new row at all!

Where am I wrong? Maybe I have to make some different settings or bindings?
  • 138253
    Offline posted

    Hello Mike,


    I have logged this with development under IDs as follows:

    183074,  support ticket CAS-145319-Q8T9Y8   "Cannot add new Rows"

    183075,  support ticket CAS-145320-L5N8H0   "grid does not add first row I entered but add second and next"

    183078,  support ticket CAS-145300-W3W4B7 "RowNotInTableException"               

    I have linked the development issues to them, so that you can get automatically updated, when a Service Release containing the fix is available for download. You can get the new version from our website’s “My IG”, “My Keys & Downloads” tags:


    You can also monitor the support ticket’s progress through the “My Support Activity” tag: