I test four WPF spreadsheet controls with two docs. Four WPF spreadsheet controls: 1. Devexpress WPF Spreadsheet (14.1 First Look Demo) 2. Telerik WPF Spreadsheet (2014Q3 demo) 3. ComponentOne WPF Spreadsheet (7.40.20141.0 Spread Designer) 4. Infragistics WPF Spreadsheet (14.2 the following code) 5. MS Excel 2013 Two docs: 1. dbenfachALL.xlsx(https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/Q571743) 2. mydocument.xlsx document(https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T156551)
===================================================================================================1. dbenfachALL.xlsx testWhen open doc, Devexpress is the fastest, Infragistics is a little slower, ComponentOne is very slow.Telerik occurs error: "Cannot extract system color". MS Excel is faster.When delete sheet one by one, Devexpress and MS Excel are fast, ComponentOne is also slow,but Infragistics CRASHES!
2. mydocument.xlsx testWhen open doc, Infragistics, ComponentOne are fast, Devexpress is very slow. Telerik occurs error: "Cannot extract system color". MS Excel is very slow.When delete sheet one by one, ComponentOne and Infragistics are fast,Devexpress and MS Excel are also slow.
3. Both dbenfachALL.xlsx and mydocument.xlsxInfragistics is fast.
===================================================================================================Infragistics WPF Spreadsheet demo.
<Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"; xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"; xmlns:ig="http://schemas.infragistics.com/xaml"; x:Class="WpfApp.MainWindow" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Button Grid.Row="0" Click="ButtonBase_OnClick">Load</Button>
<ig:XamSpreadsheet x:Name="spread" Grid.Row="1"/>
using System.IO;using System.Windows;using Infragistics.Documents.Excel;
namespace WpfApp{ /// <summary> /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// </summary> public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); }
private void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
Stream stream = File.Open("mydocument.xlsx", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); Workbook wb = Workbook.Load(stream); if (wb != null) { this.spread.Workbook = wb; } } }}
Hello Linden,
Thank you for your post and feedback. I am glad that you like our XamSpreadSheet control. As for the crash you encounter, I have already answered to your other forum post, where you reported this:
Thanks again