xamComboEditor have one problem. they can see it in Samples Browser => xamComboEditor => Editing & Selection => Using SelectedValue/SelectedValuePath Properties.
Name = Mike Elder => Location = Floor 3
Name = Larry Jackson => Location = Floor 5
Name = James Manning => Location = Floor 3
Name = Mike Elder => Location = ""
Name = James Manning => Location = ""
what can i do?
We have shipped out a new service release where your issue is resolved. I'd be glad to find out if you had tested it out and if it had met your requirements.
You can download the Service Releases by logging to our web site and going to Account\My Keys and Downloads.
Interoperabilty between Winform and WPF control
I have logged this with development under ID: 186787 and I have also created a support ticket on your behalf: CAS-148479-X5D5X7 and have linked the development issue to it, so that you can get automatically updated, when a Service Release containing the fix is available for download. You can get the new version from our website’s “My IG”, “My Keys & Downloads” tags: https://ko.infragistics.com/Membership/Default.aspx?panel=Downloads#Downloads
You can also monitor the support ticket’s progress through the “My Support Activity” tag: https://ko.infragistics.com/Membership/MySupport.aspx
Thank you for your reply. I have been looking into your sample application and when running it, the XamComboEditors have red border because no record from the XamDataGrid is selected which makes the selected value of the both XamComboEditors to be ‘0’. Since you have no item with ‘0’ Id in your CityList and DepartmentList the XamComboEditor shows an error.
My suggestion is to add dummy data items with 0 ‘Id’ for both collection in order to skip this behavior. I am attaching a sample application(XamComboEditorBinding2.zip) that shows my suggestion.
Let me know, if you need any further assistance on this matter.
I have installed 2014.2my old Problem is resolved ,but as you can see from the example, it is still an ?error? remained.First select a person in the grid. press "Add Person" button. Do I something wrong?