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CodedUI Failed To Find Button in Ribbon


We have a WPF PRISM-based application and used ExtensionSite mechanism, as explained here to add buttons in XamRibbon. The buttons and tabs are added in XamRibbon by each plug-in itself when dynamically loaded. The XamRibbon is exposed as UIExtensionSite as explained in the article. All ribbon controls are accessible while recording the CodedUI test. Once recording is complete, the buttons and Ribbon groups can't be accessible, even in UIMap but XamRibbon and Tabs do. The recorded CodedUI project is attached herewith.

Although, we have created a sample application without using PRISM and other stuff, things work perfectly. On the side note, we tried to change the MaxLevelsForItemContainer value to 10 in CodedUI.config file but no success.

Can you please help us in this regard?

