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Rendering of XamDataChart while resizing parent window makes delay.


I'm having problem while resizing window, where I have implemented xamDataChart. The problem is that when I resize a window for xamDataChart, it takes around second to render (~1 sec). I see that in your examples, where you are binding high volume data, resizing doesn't make delay. The thing is that I do customizations (labels for X axe) on WindowRextChanged event (Label string format is based on resolution, zoom factor and culture info). But this is not calling while resizing. Other customizations are happening while initialization of chart (series, axis, tooltips etc.).  Is there any work around to render chart only after user action completed? At the moment, I see that you have setting like WindowRespone, but this work only while zooming. Do you have similar settings for resizing?  Or any suggestions maybe while applying templates? 

Thanks in advance,


  • 34510
    Offline posted

    Hi Nikolay,

    There is no setting that I'm aware of that would allow you to delay rendering until the user finishes resizing the window.  There is a SizeChanged event but window resizing via the mause can cause this to fire quite a lot.  How much data are you loading into the chart?  In our high-volume data sample, it can bind up to 1 million data points and I don't notice any resizing delay so I'd find it pretty weird if fewer data points were causing this.

    Do you have markers enabled on the series?  Also what series type are you using?  Are you using a LineSeries like in the sample?