i was using xamsparkline and i want to override tooltip such that it should show the mouseover datapoint details. im binding a object collection to it which includes date and value.
on mouse over i want to show the corresponding date with value in tooltip. i dont wanna use xamdatachart as i can achieve that result.
Thanks in advance.
I have been looking into your issue and it is fix in the latest Service Release for vol. 12.2. You can download it by going to our web site -> Account Section -> Select the product -> Service Release tab.
Let me know, if you need any further assistance on this matter.
when i run the app its not showing any line at the bottom of the 2nd chart.
im using 12.2 version dlls, this time i attach a sample app with the dlls... Please find attachment.
i want to show the graph where points very from 0-100 as im showing score.
But xam spark line draws line with the lowest point . if you consider these to examples the graph is same for 2 different ranges.
1.all values with 72 2. all values with 1.
If you consider these graph there is no difference when u look at it. i have shown an image in dlls folder i want the graph like that.
Hi Shree,
Thank you for your reply. Currently you cannot set a custom tooltip as I have already explained in my previous reply. This is why I suggest you submit a new product idea.
The graph with 12 pints is displayed on my side without any issues.
Let me know, if I am missing something.
I have attached a small sample app....PFA....I have 2 issues currently that i cannt do in xamsparkline
1.tooltip as i discussed earlier (custom tooltip)
2.if i assign a item source with all 12 constant points (like the one i have shown in this attached sample app), the graph will not be shown.
Please resolve these issues at the earliest.
Thank you
Could it be possible to try to upload the sample project again so I could investigate it further for you? Please make sure that all folders that are not required to run the sample as the bin and obj folders are removed and that you have added the solution to an archive (.zip format) prior to uploading. Thank you.